About Us

Our Story

This is a great place to share your background with your customers. Tell them how you got into farming, the history of the farm, the origin of your farm name, if you have any formal education in farming, etc. Tell your customers why you use the practices that you do or if there was a moment where you realized you wanted to become a sustainable farm.

The more specific you are, the more visitors can engage with what you do. The options are endless but this is a space for people to get to know their farmer. Try not to overthink this too much. You just need to sound like you and write from the heart! There are so many farms out there, but your story is unique to you.

By telling this story, your customers can connect to you better and gain trust in both you and the products you are selling! Once you have written your story down, read it back to yourself. We will be sure to read over it and double check for grammar and spelling before your site goes live. Keep in mind, your story is something that will continue to grow and evolve over time. You can add and change your content whenever you feel the need to!

Our Practices

This is where you can go in depth about your sustainable practices and land management. Describing it well helps your customers understand the quality they are paying for and feel good about supporting your farm and your mission. Mentioning the certifications you have and the regular activities you do to promote healthy soil, clean water and biodiversity on your farm not only educates your customers, it also sets you apart from other farms. Added bonus, being thoughtful with the words you choose helps your search engine results so that your farm shows up when customers are looking for good food to purchase.

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